Lifting slings with divided leg supports are easier for the caregiver to apply when the user is in a seated position. They are also easy to remove after lifting is completed. Furthermore, lifting slings with divided leg supports allow the user to participate during application and removal.
- AMPHBSLING- For users with high leg amputations and who need a lot of support
- AMPSLING- For users with high leg amputations
- BASICSLING- Standard model for users with good head stability
- FLEXIBLESLING- Pliable support for users with deformities
- HIGHBACKSLING- Standard model for users who need a lot of support
- HYGIENEHBSLING- For toileting and for users who need a lot of support
- HYGIENELBSLING- For toileting – extra support for users with good head and torso stability
- HYGIENESLING- For toileting – three variants for more active users
- LOWBACKSLING- Standard model for more active users
- SHELLHBSLING- Unique bowl shape with adjustable head support