AQ-100 Endoscopy Solution

Optical staining endoscopy solution, AQ-100.

By utilizing a special filter to filter out broadband light waves, only blue and green light waves with wavelengths of 440nm and 540nm are left. Blue light waves (440nm) are absorbed by the mucosal fiber tissue, while green light waves (540nm) act on the submucosal blood vessels. This takes advantage of the spectral characteristics of these light waves to increase the contrast and clarity of the mucosal epithelium and submucosal blood vessels, resulting in improved the accuracy of endoscopic diagnosis.

High-pixel image sensors, more details of clinical images, helping doctors detect tiny lesions.
Compatibility with gastrointestinal endoscopes, laryngoscopes, and bronchoscopes Increase Equipment usage efficiency.
  • High Image Quality
  • Image Processing
  • Functional Application
  • Optional Light Source
  • High Compatibility
HaMa'apilim 27, E.T. Ir Ganim, PO Box 413, Kiryat Ata