AFP-1 Endos Irrigation Pump

AFP-1 Endoscopic Irrigation Pump – Exquisite and Convenient.

Water pump 1 AFP-enables efficient washing/filling of the lining of the stomach and colon during endoscopic procedures. By removing debris, mucus or other bodies, the system ensures optimal imaging and improves the accuracy of the medical procedure. In particular, a 10-level selector allows adjusting the spray rate to specific clinical needs. Also, when improved ultrasound imaging and the acquisition of clearer images are required, the AFP-1 allows endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) procedures to be performed by filling the target organ with water.


  • Foot Switch control
  • On-Demand Flushing
  • High Flow Rate
  • Flow Rate Control
  • Intelligent Stop
HaMa'apilim 27, E.T. Ir Ganim, PO Box 413, Kiryat Ata