Exail EF- Car Rehab

EF-CAR REHAB driving simulator is a clinical application of training for drivers with specific needs, disabilities or deficiencies. This training simulator enables to evaluate and test patient’s capacities of driving a car. ECA GROUP has developed a dedicated driving simulation solution including various modules and specific rehab equipment. The EF-CAR REHAB driving simulator offers a specific driving training program for motor analysis, cognitive, visual, affective and behavior in a realistic environment. Moreover, the patient will be encouraged to master his disabilities and offset his deficiency.

The EF-Car Rehab is also equipped with the most advanced smart and safe driving aids that permits to evaluate the ability to drive with limited access to some part of the patient bodies:  determining the equipment configuration and ensuring the driving skills are preserved.

HaMa'apilim 27, E.T. Ir Ganim, PO Box 413, Kiryat Ata